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CCIP Modules


The CCIP Modules are designed to facilitate cross-chain asset transfers of LST tokens between EVM chains and synchronize exchange rates.


  • Supports all EVM chains supported by ChainLink
  • Enables automated cross-chain exchange rate synchronization
  • Supports token cross-chain transfers (requires collaboration with Chainlink for TokenPool deployment before CCIP 1.5 update)


The CCIP Modules comprise two main components:

  1. Exchange Rate Cross-Chain Module
  2. Token Cross-Chain Module

These modules are independent and can be deployed and used separately.

Repository: Evm Module Contracts

Rate Cross-Chain

Includes four main contracts:

  • RateSender: Deployed on the source chain, periodically checks for rate updates and sends rate messages. Supports Proxy deployment for upgradability.
  • RateReceiver: Deployed on the destination chain, receives LST rates.
  • CCIPRateProvider: Deployed on the destination chain, provides LST rates for third-party use.
  • RegisterUpkeep: Integrates Automation service, enables automatic triggering upon deployment.

Token Cross-Chain

Includes one main contract:

  • TokenTransferor: Deployed using Proxy pattern, supports upgrades and permission control.

Note: Token cross-chain functionality requires whitelisting with Chainlink



  • Node.js
  • Yarn


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd evm-module-contracts
    git clone
    cd evm-module-contracts
  2. Install dependencies:

    yarn install
    yarn install
  3. Configure the network in hardhat.config.js,Add or replace the original chain and target chain configuration for your intended deployment:

    networks: {
        hardhat: {
            allowUnlimitedContractSize: true,
        local: {
            allowUnlimitedContractSize: true,
            url: ""
        fuji: {
            url: process.env.AVALANCHE_FUJI_RPC,
            accounts: [process.env.PRIVATEKEY]
        ethSepolia: {
            url: process.env.SEPOLIA_RPC,
            accounts: [process.env.PRIVATEKEY]
    networks: {
        hardhat: {
            allowUnlimitedContractSize: true,
        local: {
            allowUnlimitedContractSize: true,
            url: ""
        fuji: {
            url: process.env.AVALANCHE_FUJI_RPC,
            accounts: [process.env.PRIVATEKEY]
        ethSepolia: {
            url: process.env.SEPOLIA_RPC,
            accounts: [process.env.PRIVATEKEY]
  4. Set up environment variables in .env file,Add or replace the original chain and target chain configuration for your intended deployment:



Rate Cross-Chain Deployment

The Router and Link addresses for each chain, as well as the chain selector, are available from networks supported by Chainlink

Option 1: Deploy contracts individually

  1. Deploy RateSender on the source chain:

    ROUTER_ADDRESS=0x.. LINK_ADDRESS=0x.. npx hardhat run ./scripts/RateMsg/deploy_sender.js --network source_chain
    ROUTER_ADDRESS=0x.. LINK_ADDRESS=0x.. npx hardhat run ./scripts/RateMsg/deploy_sender.js --network source_chain
  2. Deploy RateReceiver on the destination chain:

    ROUTER_ADDRESS=0x.. ALLOWED_SENDER_ADDRESS=0x.. npx hardhat run ./scripts/RateMsg/deploy_receiver.js --network dest_chain
    ROUTER_ADDRESS=0x.. ALLOWED_SENDER_ADDRESS=0x.. npx hardhat run ./scripts/RateMsg/deploy_receiver.js --network dest_chain
  3. Deploy CCIPRateProvider on the destination chain:

    INITIAL_RATE=1000000000000000000 RECEIVER_ADDRESS=0x.. npx hardhat run ./scripts/RateMsg/deploy_rate_provider.js --network dest_chain
    INITIAL_RATE=1000000000000000000 RECEIVER_ADDRESS=0x.. npx hardhat run ./scripts/RateMsg/deploy_rate_provider.js --network dest_chain

Option 2: Deploy all contracts at once

  1. Copy and modify the configuration file:

    cp ./scripts/RateMsg/config.example.json ./scripts/RateMsg/config.json
    cp ./scripts/RateMsg/config.example.json ./scripts/RateMsg/config.json
  2. Modify config.json:

      "routerAddressSource": "0x..", // Source chain router address
      "routerAddressDestination": "0x..", // Destination chain router address
      "linkAddressSource": "0x..", // Source chain LINK address
      "linkAddressDestination": "0x..", // Destination chain LINK address
      "initialRate": "1000000000000000000", // Initial rate for the destination chain
      "tokens": [] // Use when testing, leave blank when deploying to a production environment
      "routerAddressSource": "0x..", // Source chain router address
      "routerAddressDestination": "0x..", // Destination chain router address
      "linkAddressSource": "0x..", // Source chain LINK address
      "linkAddressDestination": "0x..", // Destination chain LINK address
      "initialRate": "1000000000000000000", // Initial rate for the destination chain
      "tokens": [] // Use when testing, leave blank when deploying to a production environment
  3. Run the deployment script:

    NETWORK_SOURCE=source_chain NETWORK_DESTINATION=dst_chain ./scripts/RateMsg/
    NETWORK_SOURCE=source_chain NETWORK_DESTINATION=dst_chain ./scripts/RateMsg/

RegisterUpkeep Deployment

REGISTRAR_ADDRESS from Automation Documents

LINK_ADDRESS=0x.. REGISTRAR_ADDRESS=0x..  npx hardhat run ./scripts/RateMsg/deploy_register_upkeep.js --network source_chain
LINK_ADDRESS=0x.. REGISTRAR_ADDRESS=0x..  npx hardhat run ./scripts/RateMsg/deploy_register_upkeep.js --network source_chain

Token Cross-Chain Deployment

Deploy the TokenTransferor contract:

ROUTER_ADDRESS=0x.. npx hardhat run ./scripts/TokenTransfer/deploy.js --network source_chain
ROUTER_ADDRESS=0x.. npx hardhat run ./scripts/TokenTransfer/deploy.js --network source_chain


  1. Configure RateSender contract:

    • Add token information using addTokenInfo method:
      /// @notice Adds a new token rate and its associated information for a specific chain
      /// @dev This function combines the functionality of adding a token rate and its chain-specific information
      /// @param tokenName The name of the token to add
      /// @param _rateSource The address of the contract providing the rate for this token
      /// @param _receiver The address of the receiver contract on the destination chain
      /// @param _dstRateProvider The address of the rate provider contract on the destination chain
      /// @param _selector The chain selector for the destination chain
      function addTokenInfo(
          string memory tokenName,
          address _rateSource,
          address _receiver,
          address _dstRateProvider,
          uint64 _selector
      ) external onlyRole(ADMIN_ROLE)
      /// @notice Adds a new token rate and its associated information for a specific chain
      /// @dev This function combines the functionality of adding a token rate and its chain-specific information
      /// @param tokenName The name of the token to add
      /// @param _rateSource The address of the contract providing the rate for this token
      /// @param _receiver The address of the receiver contract on the destination chain
      /// @param _dstRateProvider The address of the rate provider contract on the destination chain
      /// @param _selector The chain selector for the destination chain
      function addTokenInfo(
          string memory tokenName,
          address _rateSource,
          address _receiver,
          address _dstRateProvider,
          uint64 _selector
      ) external onlyRole(ADMIN_ROLE)
    • Add new destination chains using addTokenDstInfo method:
      /// @notice Adds destination information for a token
      /// @param tokenName Name of the token
      /// @param _receiver Receiver address on the destination chain
      /// @param _dstRateProvider Rate provider address on the destination chain
      /// @param _selector Chain selector for the destination chain
      function addTokenDstInfo(
          string memory tokenName,
          address _receiver,
          address _dstRateProvider,
          uint64 _selector
      ) external onlyRole(ADMIN_ROLE)
      /// @notice Adds destination information for a token
      /// @param tokenName Name of the token
      /// @param _receiver Receiver address on the destination chain
      /// @param _dstRateProvider Rate provider address on the destination chain
      /// @param _selector Chain selector for the destination chain
      function addTokenDstInfo(
          string memory tokenName,
          address _receiver,
          address _dstRateProvider,
          uint64 _selector
      ) external onlyRole(ADMIN_ROLE)
  2. Fund RateSender contract with LINK tokens for cross-chain message fees

  3. Register Upkeep contract with Chainlink Automation:

    • Option 1: Use Chainlink Automation web interfaceimage-20240813163720889image-20240813163821775image-20240813163945620

    • Option 2: Deploy RegisterUpkeep contract and call registerAndPredictID method:

      • Authorize a certain amount of LINK tokens to the RegisterUpkeep contract for paying fees to Chainlink when registering Upkeep.
      function registerAndPredictID(
          Params calldata params
      ) external payable nonReentrant whenNotPaused returns (uint256)
      struct Params {
          string name; // upkeep name
          string email; // optional Chainlink Automation is not currently enabled
          address upkeepContract; // address of the RateSender contract
          uint32 gasLimit; // gas limit for the upkeep
          address adminAddress; // address of the admin
          uint96 amount; // amount of LINK tokens
      function registerAndPredictID(
          Params calldata params
      ) external payable nonReentrant whenNotPaused returns (uint256)
      struct Params {
          string name; // upkeep name
          string email; // optional Chainlink Automation is not currently enabled
          address upkeepContract; // address of the RateSender contract
          uint32 gasLimit; // gas limit for the upkeep
          address adminAddress; // address of the admin
          uint96 amount; // amount of LINK tokens

      After a successful call to registerAndPredictID, you can see something like this on the web interface



Token Cross-Chain Transfer

  1. Authorize tokens for cross-chain transfer to the TokenTransferor contract
  2. Call updateChainAllowlist and updateTokenAllowlist methods on the TokenTransferor contract:
    function updateChainAllowlist(uint64 _destinationChainSelector, bool _allowed) external onlyRole(ADMIN_ROLE)
    function updateTokenAllowlist(address _token, bool _allowed) external onlyRole(ADMIN_ROLE)
    function updateChainAllowlist(uint64 _destinationChainSelector, bool _allowed) external onlyRole(ADMIN_ROLE)
    function updateTokenAllowlist(address _token, bool _allowed) external onlyRole(ADMIN_ROLE)
  3. Call transferTokens method on the TokenTransferor contract:
    /// @notice Calculate the required fee for transferring tokens to another chain.
    /// @dev This function simulates the token transfer process to calculate the fee,
    ///      without actually performing the transfer. It uses the same logic as the
    ///      transferTokens function to ensure fee consistency.
    /// @param _destinationChainSelector The identifier (selector) for the destination blockchain.
    /// @param _receiver The address of the recipient on the destination blockchain.
    /// @param _token The address of the token to be transferred.
    /// @param _amount The amount of tokens to be transferred.
    /// @return fees The amount of native currency required as fee for the cross-chain transfer.
    function transferTokens(
        uint64 _destinationChainSelector,
        address _receiver,
        address _token,
        uint256 _amount
    returns (bytes32 messageId)
    /// @notice Calculate the required fee for transferring tokens to another chain.
    /// @dev This function simulates the token transfer process to calculate the fee,
    ///      without actually performing the transfer. It uses the same logic as the
    ///      transferTokens function to ensure fee consistency.
    /// @param _destinationChainSelector The identifier (selector) for the destination blockchain.
    /// @param _receiver The address of the recipient on the destination blockchain.
    /// @param _token The address of the token to be transferred.
    /// @param _amount The amount of tokens to be transferred.
    /// @return fees The amount of native currency required as fee for the cross-chain transfer.
    function transferTokens(
        uint64 _destinationChainSelector,
        address _receiver,
        address _token,
        uint256 _amount
    returns (bytes32 messageId)
