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The stack for EVM compatible chains consist of four contracts: 1. LsdNetworkFactory, an utility contract which deploys project contracts by a single call; 2. LsdToken, an ERC20-compatible token which represents users' receipt of their staking; 3. StakePool, delegates staking assets to selected validators 4. StakeManager, manages project internal and external states and interacts with users

It is challenging to implement a stack which can work for all EVM compatible chains, since every chain has its own unique features and designs. To address this, a polymorphic design is introduced: common functionalities form the bases, every chain specific LSD stack depends on the bases and develops its variants. So it is a hierarchical directory structure:

├── LsdToken.sol
├── Timelock.sol
├── bnb
   ├── LsdNetworkFactory.sol
   ├── StakeManager.sol
   └── StakePool.sol
├── matic
   ├── LsdNetworkFactory.sol
   ├── StakeManager.sol
   └── StakePool.sol
├── sei
   ├── LsdNetworkFactory.sol
   ├── StakeManager.sol
   └── StakePool.sol
└── base
    ├── DelegationBalancer.sol
    ├── Era.sol
    ├── Errors.sol
    ├── Manager.sol
    ├── Ownable.sol
    ├── Protocol.sol
    ├── Rate.sol
    ├── StakePoolManager.sol
    └── UnstakePoolManager.sol
├── LsdToken.sol
├── Timelock.sol
├── bnb
   ├── LsdNetworkFactory.sol
   ├── StakeManager.sol
   └── StakePool.sol
├── matic
   ├── LsdNetworkFactory.sol
   ├── StakeManager.sol
   └── StakePool.sol
├── sei
   ├── LsdNetworkFactory.sol
   ├── StakeManager.sol
   └── StakePool.sol
└── base
    ├── DelegationBalancer.sol
    ├── Era.sol
    ├── Errors.sol
    ├── Manager.sol
    ├── Ownable.sol
    ├── Protocol.sol
    ├── Rate.sol
    ├── StakePoolManager.sol
    └── UnstakePoolManager.sol


An utility contract for launching new LSD networks with ease. Instead of deploying multiple contracts manually, you can just call createLsdNetwork() or createLsdNetworkWithTimelock() to deploy your own LSD network.

createLsdNetwork() create a new LSD network with admin

It is a straightforward setup, full control over the network with a specified admin address, but lacks the security layer of timelock mechanism.

event LsdNetwork() will be emitted with the following struct, NetworkContracts.


  • Provide the desired name and symbol for your LSD token.
  • Specify the network administrator's address.
  • Specify validator(s)
function createLsdNetwork(
    string memory _lsdTokenName,
    string memory _lsdTokenSymbol,
    // The type of validator varies to different chains
    T memory _validators,
    address _networkAdmin

struct NetworkContracts {
    address _stakeManager;
    address _stakePool;
    address _lsdToken;
    uint256 _block;
function createLsdNetwork(
    string memory _lsdTokenName,
    string memory _lsdTokenSymbol,
    // The type of validator varies to different chains
    T memory _validators,
    address _networkAdmin

struct NetworkContracts {
    address _stakeManager;
    address _stakePool;
    address _lsdToken;
    uint256 _block;

createLsdNetworkWithTimelock(): create a new LSD network with Timelock admin

All functionality is as same as createLsdNetwork with TimeLock enabled. Changes will have a delay before they can be executed, preventing malicious activities.


  • Provide the desired name and symbol for your LSD token.
  • Specify validator(s).
  • Define the minimum delay for the timelock.
  • Specify the proposer addresses.
function createLsdNetworkWithTimelock(
    string memory _lsdTokenName,
    string memory _lsdTokenSymbol,
    // The type of validator varies to different chains
    T memory _validators,
    uint256 _minDelay,
    address[] memory _proposers
function createLsdNetworkWithTimelock(
    string memory _lsdTokenName,
    string memory _lsdTokenSymbol,
    // The type of validator varies to different chains
    T memory _validators,
    uint256 _minDelay,
    address[] memory _proposers

createLsdNetworkWithLsdToken(): create a new LSD network with specified Lsd Token

This function gives platforms more flexibility to create their preferred flavor of LSD network. To prevent malicious LsdToken which may be harmful to the users, we introduce authorizedLsdToken concept, so only authorized LsdToken can be used.

addAuthorizedLsdToken(): authorize a new LsdToken contract

lsdTokensOfCreater(): retrieve all LSD tokens created by the creator

lsdTokensOfCreater(address _creater) public view returns (address[] memory)
lsdTokensOfCreater(address _creater) public view returns (address[] memory)


An ERC20-compatible token used to store and manage LSD Tokens. When users stake their assets they will receive equivalent LSD tokens(rToken) in return.


StakePool contract interacts with chains' stake manager contract, specifically it does delegation, undelegation, redelegation and rewards claiming on behalf of the LSD project, and those functions can only be called by StakeManager contract.

  • delegate: delegates assets to the chain. The function name could be delegate or delegateMulti according to the design of the chain.
// Sei
function delegateMulti(
    string[] memory _validators, uint256 _amount
) external onlyStakeManager {}

// BSC
function delegateMulti(
    address[] memory _validators, uint256 _amount
) external onlyStakeManager {}

// Polygon
function delegate(
    uint256 _validator, uint256 _amount
) external onlyStakeManager returns (uint256) {}
// Sei
function delegateMulti(
    string[] memory _validators, uint256 _amount
) external onlyStakeManager {}

// BSC
function delegateMulti(
    address[] memory _validators, uint256 _amount
) external onlyStakeManager {}

// Polygon
function delegate(
    uint256 _validator, uint256 _amount
) external onlyStakeManager returns (uint256) {}


  • undelegate: undelegates assets with the chain. The function name could be undelegate or undelegateMulti according to the design of the chain.
// Sei
function undelegateMulti(
    string[] memory _validators, uint256 _amount
) external onlyStakeManager {}

// BSC
function undelegateMulti(
    address[] memory _validators, uint256 _amount
) external onlyStakeManager {}

// Polygon
function undelegate(
    uint256 _validator, uint256 _claimAmount
) external onlyStakeManager {}
// Sei
function undelegateMulti(
    string[] memory _validators, uint256 _amount
) external onlyStakeManager {}

// BSC
function undelegateMulti(
    address[] memory _validators, uint256 _amount
) external onlyStakeManager {}

// Polygon
function undelegate(
    uint256 _validator, uint256 _claimAmount
) external onlyStakeManager {}


  • claim undelegation assets: actively claim undelegation assets if the staking module of the chain do not distribute it automatically
// Sei does not need this function 

// BSC
function claimUndelegated(
    address[] memory _validators
) external onlyStakeManager {}

// Polygon
function unstakeClaimTokens(
    uint256 _validator, uint256 _claimedNonce
) external onlyStakeManager returns (uint256) {}
// Sei does not need this function 

// BSC
function claimUndelegated(
    address[] memory _validators
) external onlyStakeManager {}

// Polygon
function unstakeClaimTokens(
    uint256 _validator, uint256 _claimedNonce
) external onlyStakeManager returns (uint256) {}


  • redelegate: redelegates some amount of assets from the srcValidator to the dstValidator
// Sei
function redelegate(
        string memory _validatorSrc,
        string memory _validatorDst,
        uint256 _amount
) external onlyStakeManager {}

// BSC
function redelegate(
    address _validatorSrc,
    address _validatorDst,
    uint256 _amount
) external payable onlyStakeManager {}

// Polygon
function redelegate(
    uint256 _fromValidatorId,
    uint256 _toValidatorId,
    uint256 _amount
) external onlyStakeManager {}
// Sei
function redelegate(
        string memory _validatorSrc,
        string memory _validatorDst,
        uint256 _amount
) external onlyStakeManager {}

// BSC
function redelegate(
    address _validatorSrc,
    address _validatorDst,
    uint256 _amount
) external payable onlyStakeManager {}

// Polygon
function redelegate(
    uint256 _fromValidatorId,
    uint256 _toValidatorId,
    uint256 _amount
) external onlyStakeManager {}


  • withdraw rewards: actively claim rewards if the staking module of the chain do not distribute it automatically
// Sei
function withdrawDelegationRewardsMulti(
    string[] memory _validators
) external onlyStakeManager returns (uint256) {}

// BSC does not need this function

// Polygon
function checkAndWithdrawRewards(
    uint256[] _validators
) external onlyStakeManager returns (uint256) {}
// Sei
function withdrawDelegationRewardsMulti(
    string[] memory _validators
) external onlyStakeManager returns (uint256) {}

// BSC does not need this function

// Polygon
function checkAndWithdrawRewards(
    uint256[] _validators
) external onlyStakeManager returns (uint256) {}


  • transfer unstake to unstakers: transfer assets to unstakers after their unbonding period
// Sei
function withdrawForStaker(
    address _staker, uint256 _amount
) external onlyStakeManager {}

// BSC
function withdrawForStaker(
    address _staker, uint256 _amount
) external onlyStakeManager {}

// Polygon
function withdrawForStaker(
    address _erc20TokenAddress, address _staker, uint256 _amount
) external onlyStakeManager {}
// Sei
function withdrawForStaker(
    address _staker, uint256 _amount
) external onlyStakeManager {}

// BSC
function withdrawForStaker(
    address _staker, uint256 _amount
) external onlyStakeManager {}

// Polygon
function withdrawForStaker(
    address _erc20TokenAddress, address _staker, uint256 _amount
) external onlyStakeManager {}


StakeManager contract holds all LSD functionalities:

  1. Stakers staking, unstaking and withdrawal methods
  2. Administrative methods, such as: validator management; parameters management
  3. Era advancing method

Stakers methods

stake: stakers stake an amount of Token to the LSD project and receive LST in return.

If the token is an ERC20 compatible token, stakers should approve StakeManager to spend their tokens.

// Sei and BSC
function stake() external payable {}

// Polygon
// IERC20(token).approve(AddressOfStakeManager, _stakeAmount)
function stake(uint256 _stakeAmount) external {}
// Sei and BSC
function stake() external payable {}

// Polygon
// IERC20(token).approve(AddressOfStakeManager, _stakeAmount)
function stake(uint256 _stakeAmount) external {}

unstake: users who own LST tokens are unstakers, they can unstake an amount of LST to retrieve staked tokens.

function unstake(uint256 _lsdTokenAmount) external {}
function unstake(uint256 _lsdTokenAmount) external {}

withdraw: stakers can withdraw their staked tokens after unbonding period

function withdraw() external {}
function withdraw() external {}

Administrative methods

add validator: add a validator to the pool

// Sei
function addValidator(address _poolAddress, string calldata _validator) external onlyOwner {}

// BSC
function addValidator(address _poolAddress, address _validator) external onlyOwner {}

// Polygon
function addValidator(address _poolAddress, uint256 _validatorId) external onlyOwner {}
// Sei
function addValidator(address _poolAddress, string calldata _validator) external onlyOwner {}

// BSC
function addValidator(address _poolAddress, address _validator) external onlyOwner {}

// Polygon
function addValidator(address _poolAddress, uint256 _validatorId) external onlyOwner {}

remove validator: remove a validator from the pool

// Sei
function rmValidator(address _poolAddress, string calldata _validator) external onlyOwner {}

// BSC
function rmValidator(address _poolAddress, address _validator) external onlyOwner {}

// Polygon
function rmValidator(address _poolAddress, uint256 _validatorId) external onlyOwner {}
// Sei
function rmValidator(address _poolAddress, string calldata _validator) external onlyOwner {}

// BSC
function rmValidator(address _poolAddress, address _validator) external onlyOwner {}

// Polygon
function rmValidator(address _poolAddress, uint256 _validatorId) external onlyOwner {}

redelegate: redelegate the amount of staked token from srcValidator to dstValidator

// Sei
function redelegate(
    address _poolAddress,
    string memory _srcValidator,
    string memory _dstValidator,
    uint256 _amount
) external onlyDelegationBalancer {}

// BSC
function redelegate(
    address _poolAddress,
    address _srcValidator,
    address _dstValidator,
    uint256 _amount
) external payable onlyDelegationBalancer {}

// Polygon
function redelegate(
    address _poolAddress,
    uint256 _srcValidatorId,
    uint256 _dstValidatorId,
    uint256 _amount
) external onlyDelegationBalancer {}
// Sei
function redelegate(
    address _poolAddress,
    string memory _srcValidator,
    string memory _dstValidator,
    uint256 _amount
) external onlyDelegationBalancer {}

// BSC
function redelegate(
    address _poolAddress,
    address _srcValidator,
    address _dstValidator,
    uint256 _amount
) external payable onlyDelegationBalancer {}

// Polygon
function redelegate(
    address _poolAddress,
    uint256 _srcValidatorId,
    uint256 _dstValidatorId,
    uint256 _amount
) external onlyDelegationBalancer {}
  • transferDelegationBalancer: transfer delegation balancer role to another account
  • addStakePool: add stake pool
  • rmStakePool: remove stake pool

Parameters adjustment methods

  • setProtocolFeeCommission
  • setFactoryFeeCommission
  • setEraParams
  • setRateChangeLimit
  • setMinStakeAmount
  • setUnbondingDuration

Era method

The new era process is permissionless, it is secured by the EVM chain. By invoking this method, the rewards of the pool will be collected; delegation or undelegation on the chain called according to the difference between the amount to be delegated and the amount to be undelegated; the distribution sent to the project party and the Stack; and the rate recalculated.

function newEra() external {}
function newEra() external {}

Notable Parameters

  • setEraParams

Platforms inevitably have their own parameters. We've compiled a list of the most significant ones that you might consider adjusting.

configdescriptionrecommended value
an account who owners the whole networkwe suggest platform use multi-sig account for security reason
a number represents the numerator in rate and the denominator is 1e18.
the exchange rate between StakingToken and LsdToken is vital for the system, to prevent accidental or violent changes, we introduce rateChangeLimit to keep the system safe
11e14 (=0.11%)
an amount of user participation threshold in NativeToken
a period of time in eras, this must be longer than the EVM chain
a number represents the numerator in rate and the denominator is 1e18.
this value configures the proportion of the protocol rewards
10e16 (denotes 10e16/1e18=10%) (protocol commission = total rewards * 10%)
a number represents the numerator in rate and the denominator is 1e18.
it is a proportion of factoryCommission to protocolCommission
the value of parameter should be determined after consulting with 61 Lab
10e16 (denotes 10e16/1e18=10%)
(factory commission = protocol commission * 10%)
a period of time in second determines how long an era last86400