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Contract holds all LSD functionalities, it consists with many stake manager and stake pool which represent a individual project party associated with an admin account who is privileged to config stake manager's parameters.

Project party

  • initialize_stake_manager: create and initialize stake manager and stake pool
  • transfer_stake_manager_admin: transfer LSD project's admin permission to another account
  • transfer_balancer: transfer LSD project's balancer permission to another account
  • set_min_stake_amount: config the minimum stake amount of the LSD project
  • set_unbonding_duration: config unbonding duration in epochs
  • set_platform_fee_commission: config the commission fee
  • add_validator: add validator to the lsd network
  • remove_validator: remove validator from the lsd network


  • stake: stakers stake an amount of Sol to the LSD project and receive LST in return
  • unstake: anyone who owns LSD token can call this function, LSD token will be burnt and users have to wait unbonding period of time to withdraw their assets
  • withdraw: When unstake become mature, users can withdraw