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How to deploy Cosmos LSD stack

This guide provides a step-by-step script to deploy the Cosmos LSD stack, without knowing details about contracts and services. Read the documentation for comprehensive understandings of these components.

Neutron(ICS-27) LSD Stack

Step1. Deploy your LSD network contracts

61 Lab have made StaFi LSAAS for project parties to deploy their LSD network contracts.

Launchpad Homepage

Neutron Risks Awareness

Our Stack, designed for the ICS-27 protocol, utilizes Neutron—first Cosmos chain adopting Replicated Security. As a smart contract platform, like Ethereum which still encounters security issues, Neutron may also face potential security risks. We advise every project party to conduct thorough research and assess these risks before participation.

Parameter Tips

Connection ID:

  • Connection identifier of target chain and Neutron

Interchain Account ID:

  • An identifier of your pool
  • Must be unique
  • Max 16 characters
  • Not contains Hyphen(-) or Dot(.)

Owner Address:

  • Adjust commission fee
  • Adjust duration of era
  • Manage validator set
  • Pause or unpause pool
  • Turn on or off LSM feature

Fee Receiver

  • A neutron address to receive LSD commission fee

Fee commission:

  • 10% is an reasonable price for most stakers

Minimum Stake:

  • The smallest amount of assets accept in staking procedure

LSD Token Code ID:

  • A cw20-base compatible smart contract
  • Recommend to keep default
  • Able to use your own Code ID


  • Pool will delegate assets evenly to every validator
  • Target chain validator address

Pool registration fee

Registration fee is required by Neutron to register an interchain account.

Pool initialization fee

To prevent malicious or buggy contracts from draining relayer's funds or spamming of the network, Neutron introduces FeeRefunder module similar to ICS-29 but supports wider range of chains. Get a comprehensive view here: Neutron Fee Refunder Module Documentation.

Rewards Distribution

Rewards distribution is crucial to project parties. Commission fee of users is set default as 10% and StaFi Stack fee is 10% of project income. for example, if 100ATOM rewards received from Cosmos, the distribution will be:


Re-edit parameters

Project parties can use admin account to update parameters by sending transactions to StakeManager.config_pool method with below message:

pool_addryour pool address
platform_fee_receivera Neutron address to receive commission fee
minimal_stakeminimum amount of token to stake
unstake_times_limithow many times a staker can unstake
unbond_commissioncommission fee of unbonding
platform_fee_commissioncommission fee of rewards
era_secondshow long an era last
pausedis pool active or paused
lsm_supportdoes pool support LSM stake
lsm_pending_limithow man LSM stake support in pending status
rate_change_limitthe limit for exchange rate changes from Token to rToken
new_admintransfer admin role to new address

Step2. Run ICQ relay service

Follow our doc to run ICQ relay service

Step3. Run relay service

Install Build Tools

Install makegcc and git

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y make gcc git build-essential
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y make gcc git build-essential

Install go by following the official docs. Remember to set your $PATH environment variable, for example:

cd $HOME
wget -O go1.22.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
rm -rf /usr/local/go && tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.22.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz && rm go1.22.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
echo 'export GOROOT=/usr/local/go' >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo 'export GOPATH=$HOME/go' >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo 'export GO111MODULE=on' >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin' >> $HOME/.bashrc && . $HOME/.bashrc
go version
cd $HOME
wget -O go1.22.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
rm -rf /usr/local/go && tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.22.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz && rm go1.22.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
echo 'export GOROOT=/usr/local/go' >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo 'export GOPATH=$HOME/go' >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo 'export GO111MODULE=on' >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin' >> $HOME/.bashrc && . $HOME/.bashrc
go version

Install relay service

$ git clone
$ cd neutron-lsd-relay
$ make install
$ git clone
$ cd neutron-lsd-relay
$ make install

Create relay working directory and config file

$ mkdir -p ~/cosmos-neutron-stack
$ cp config.template.toml ~/cosmos-neutron-stack/config.toml
$ mkdir -p ~/cosmos-neutron-stack
$ cp config.template.toml ~/cosmos-neutron-stack/config.toml

Config neutron relay service

Update config (config.toml) by your favorite editor according to Relay Config

endpointList = [""]
gasPrice = "0.005untrn"
taskTicker = 60  # seconds
poolAddr = "cosmos1hvuhdvwnsuj487xdcsv4yntn3hlxsmlmp602z4jkq95c20fsp3cshuzjhg"
stakeManager = "neutron1rjr282qjnaeamsps4aspw8gmz4nynjpq6zurxfnppdcknpwdnxgs8rqm8y"
runForEntrustedPool = false

keyringDir = "/home/<your_user_name>/cosmos-neutron-stack/keyring"
keyringBackend = "file"
keyName = "demowallet1"
endpointList = [""]
gasPrice = "0.005untrn"
taskTicker = 60  # seconds
poolAddr = "cosmos1hvuhdvwnsuj487xdcsv4yntn3hlxsmlmp602z4jkq95c20fsp3cshuzjhg"
stakeManager = "neutron1rjr282qjnaeamsps4aspw8gmz4nynjpq6zurxfnppdcknpwdnxgs8rqm8y"
runForEntrustedPool = false

keyringDir = "/home/<your_user_name>/cosmos-neutron-stack/keyring"
keyringBackend = "file"
keyName = "demowallet1"

Add or Import account

You can simply create a new account to submit transactions on neutron

$ neutron-lsd-relay keys add stafi-relay-1 \
    --keyring-backend=file --keyring-dir=~/cosmos-neutron-stack/keyring 
Enter keyring passphrase (attempt 1/3):

- address: neutron1c4ceejzxucas3sp5nvum4f8kr7pdun6wdw3y06
  name: stafi-relay-1
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"Au3RxMxljL7CagnKcN/4j63KPRJjuCYhseeimwLVK9/3"}'
  type: local

**Important** write this mnemonic phrase in a safe place.
It is the only way to recover your account if you ever forget your password.

youth stairs bronze tree melt coast grass table help lock road gospel quote explain usage retreat present now tragic course balance easy curtain this
$ neutron-lsd-relay keys add stafi-relay-1 \
    --keyring-backend=file --keyring-dir=~/cosmos-neutron-stack/keyring 
Enter keyring passphrase (attempt 1/3):

- address: neutron1c4ceejzxucas3sp5nvum4f8kr7pdun6wdw3y06
  name: stafi-relay-1
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"Au3RxMxljL7CagnKcN/4j63KPRJjuCYhseeimwLVK9/3"}'
  type: local

**Important** write this mnemonic phrase in a safe place.
It is the only way to recover your account if you ever forget your password.

youth stairs bronze tree melt coast grass table help lock road gospel quote explain usage retreat present now tragic course balance easy curtain this

Or you can import an exist account, let's say you have just exported from neutrond via neutrond keys --home=$HOME_1 --keyring-backend=test export demowallet1 > demowallet1.privatekey, you can import it to relay:

$ neutron-lsd-relay keys import demowallet1 demowallet1.privatekey \
    --keyring-backend=file --keyring-dir=~/cosmos-neutron-stack/keyring
Enter passphrase to decrypt your key:
Enter keyring passphrase (attempt 1/3):
Re-enter keyring passphrase:

$ neutron-lsd-relay keys list \
    --keyring-backend=file --keyring-dir=~/cosmos-neutron-stack/keyring 
Enter keyring passphrase (attempt 1/3):
- address: neutron1m9l358xunhhwds0568za49mzhvuxx9ux8xafx2
  name: demowallet1
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"A/MdHVpitzHNSdD1Zw3kY+L5PEIPyd9l6sD5i4aIfXp9"}'
  type: local
$ neutron-lsd-relay keys import demowallet1 demowallet1.privatekey \
    --keyring-backend=file --keyring-dir=~/cosmos-neutron-stack/keyring
Enter passphrase to decrypt your key:
Enter keyring passphrase (attempt 1/3):
Re-enter keyring passphrase:

$ neutron-lsd-relay keys list \
    --keyring-backend=file --keyring-dir=~/cosmos-neutron-stack/keyring 
Enter keyring passphrase (attempt 1/3):
- address: neutron1m9l358xunhhwds0568za49mzhvuxx9ux8xafx2
  name: demowallet1
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"A/MdHVpitzHNSdD1Zw3kY+L5PEIPyd9l6sD5i4aIfXp9"}'
  type: local

⚠️Please make sure the account have enough NEUTRON funds, since relay will send transaction to StakeManager contract.

Start relay services

$ neutron-lsd-relay start --base-path=~/cosmos-neutron-stack 
config path: /home/ubuntu/cosmos-neutron-stack/config.toml
load config success
log level: info
all logs are output in the /home/ubuntu/cosmos-neutron-stack/log_data directory
INFO[2024-02-23T12:02:30+08:00] cfg: &{EndpointList:[] TaskTicker:60 PoolAddr:cosmos1hvuhdvwnsuj487xdcsv4yntn3hlxsmlmp602z4jkq95c20fsp3cshuzjhg StakeManager:neutron1rjr282qjnaeamsps4aspw8gmz4nynjpq6zurxfnppdcknpwdnxgs8rqm8y GasPrice:0.005untrn LogFilePath:/home/ubuntu/cosmos-neutron-stack/log_data KeyringDir:/home/ubuntu/cosmos-neutron-stack/keyring KeyringBackend:file KeyName:demowallet1 RunForEntrustedPool:false} 
INFO[2024-02-23T12:02:30+08:00] task starting...
Enter keyring passphrase (attempt 1/3):
INFO[2024-02-23T12:02:36+08:00] start handlers                               
INFO[2024-02-23T12:02:36+08:00] success                                       action=NewEraUpdate newEra=84 pool=cosmos1hvuhdvwnsuj487xdcsv4yntn3hlxsmlmp602z4jkq95c20fsp3cshuzjhg targetEra=4647 txHash=010C675FFB313F7FD8B986D1A49688D510C61E9F3D804F4D2D5FF94AFCD13447
$ neutron-lsd-relay start --base-path=~/cosmos-neutron-stack 
config path: /home/ubuntu/cosmos-neutron-stack/config.toml
load config success
log level: info
all logs are output in the /home/ubuntu/cosmos-neutron-stack/log_data directory
INFO[2024-02-23T12:02:30+08:00] cfg: &{EndpointList:[] TaskTicker:60 PoolAddr:cosmos1hvuhdvwnsuj487xdcsv4yntn3hlxsmlmp602z4jkq95c20fsp3cshuzjhg StakeManager:neutron1rjr282qjnaeamsps4aspw8gmz4nynjpq6zurxfnppdcknpwdnxgs8rqm8y GasPrice:0.005untrn LogFilePath:/home/ubuntu/cosmos-neutron-stack/log_data KeyringDir:/home/ubuntu/cosmos-neutron-stack/keyring KeyringBackend:file KeyName:demowallet1 RunForEntrustedPool:false} 
INFO[2024-02-23T12:02:30+08:00] task starting...
Enter keyring passphrase (attempt 1/3):
INFO[2024-02-23T12:02:36+08:00] start handlers                               
INFO[2024-02-23T12:02:36+08:00] success                                       action=NewEraUpdate newEra=84 pool=cosmos1hvuhdvwnsuj487xdcsv4yntn3hlxsmlmp602z4jkq95c20fsp3cshuzjhg targetEra=4647 txHash=010C675FFB313F7FD8B986D1A49688D510C61E9F3D804F4D2D5FF94AFCD13447

Step4. Deploy your own LSD App

Follow our doc to deploy your own LSD App

Native CosmWasm LSD Stack

Coming Soon, Stay tuned