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Cosmos LSD App

Cosmos LSD App is a user interface where users can stake, unstake and get latest information about the project. As a convention in web3 all API users interact with are directly from the RPC configured in wallet, so the app is a pure DApp.

Cosmos LSD App Homepage
Cosmos LSD APP Homepage
Cosmos LSD App Notification Page
Cosmos LSD APP Notification Page

Build your own LSD App

Setup Node.js env

  1. Fork code on GitHub
  2. Install Node.js >=v16
  3. Install yarn via npm: npm install --global yarn
  4. Enter project root directory then install all dependencies via terminal: yarn
  5. Start app by: yarn dev

Config your app

  • Change branding links and text here: config/appConf/app.json
// here are some config examples in app.json
  "appTitle": "ETH LSD App", // title of this app
  "chain": {
    // supported chains
    "supportChains": ["Neutron"]
  "icons": {
    "tokenImg": "/images/token/token_green.svg", // icon of token
    "lsdTokenImg": "/images/token/lsdToken.svg", // icon of lsd token
    "chainImg": "/images/neutron_chain.png" // icon of chain
  "detailedInfo": {
    // audit info in Detail Info section
    "audit": {
      "nameList": ["Peckshield", "Blocksec"],
      "link": ""
    "listedIns": [
        "name": "Coingecko",
        "link": ""
  "auditList": [
    // by which the lsd contracts are audited
      "name": "PeckShield", // name and icon are shown on the top of the app
      "icon": "/images/audit/peck_shield.svg",
      "iconDark": "/images/audit/peck_shield_dark.svg"
  "faqList": [
    // FAQs list
      "title": "What are the factors that affect the staking rewards?", // question title
      "contents": [
        // answer of the question, it's comprised of a list of pure texts and links
          "type": "text",
          "content": "To learn more about how staking rewards are calculated, please read:\n"
          "type": "link",
          "content": "\n",
          "link": ""
  "externalLinkList": [
    // external links related to the app which shown in the setting drawer
      "name": "Docs",
      "link": ""
  "contactList": [
    // media list shown in the setting drawer
      "type": "Twitter",
      "link": ""
  "tokenPriceUrl": ",neutron-3&vs_currencies=usd" // api to query token price
// here are some config examples in app.json
  "appTitle": "ETH LSD App", // title of this app
  "chain": {
    // supported chains
    "supportChains": ["Neutron"]
  "icons": {
    "tokenImg": "/images/token/token_green.svg", // icon of token
    "lsdTokenImg": "/images/token/lsdToken.svg", // icon of lsd token
    "chainImg": "/images/neutron_chain.png" // icon of chain
  "detailedInfo": {
    // audit info in Detail Info section
    "audit": {
      "nameList": ["Peckshield", "Blocksec"],
      "link": ""
    "listedIns": [
        "name": "Coingecko",
        "link": ""
  "auditList": [
    // by which the lsd contracts are audited
      "name": "PeckShield", // name and icon are shown on the top of the app
      "icon": "/images/audit/peck_shield.svg",
      "iconDark": "/images/audit/peck_shield_dark.svg"
  "faqList": [
    // FAQs list
      "title": "What are the factors that affect the staking rewards?", // question title
      "contents": [
        // answer of the question, it's comprised of a list of pure texts and links
          "type": "text",
          "content": "To learn more about how staking rewards are calculated, please read:\n"
          "type": "link",
          "content": "\n",
          "link": ""
  "externalLinkList": [
    // external links related to the app which shown in the setting drawer
      "name": "Docs",
      "link": ""
  "contactList": [
    // media list shown in the setting drawer
      "type": "Twitter",
      "link": ""
  "tokenPriceUrl": ",neutron-3&vs_currencies=usd" // api to query token price
  • Set your pool address and lsd configs on Testnet here: config/appConf/dev.json
  • Set your pool address and lsd configs on Mainnet here: config/appConf/prod.json
// config structures are identical in dev.json and prod.json
// dev.json will be used when you build with `yarn build:dev`
// prod.json will be used when you build with 'yarn build`
  "stakeManagerContract": "neutron1humx752uqvxn2jfenh5524md0ta23usm8m2lesaxw47fps28yx5syztnk5", // address of stake manager contract
  "poolAddress": "cosmos193sx2unjy8u8kyrg247k7evcanmcktk88shv934066wlhm7aqljsng9593", // address of pool contract
  "chains": {
    "neutron": {
      // chain config of neutron
      "chainName": "Neutron Testnet",
      "chainId": "pion-1",
      "rpc": "",
      "restEndpoint": "",
      "denom": "untrn",
      "coinDenom": "NTRN",
      "decimals": 6,
      "bech32Config": {
        "bech32PrefixAccAddr": "neutron",
        "bech32PrefixAccPub": "neutronpub",
        "bech32PrefixValAddr": "neutronvaloper",
        "bech32PrefixValPub": "neutronvaloperpub",
        "bech32PrefixConsAddr": "neutronvalcons",
        "bech32PrefixConsPub": "neutronvalconspub"
      "explorerUrl": "",
      "gasLimit": "80000",
      "isNativeKeplrChain": false
    "lsdTokenChain": {
      // chain config of lsd token
      "chainName": "Cosmos-Testnet",
      "chainId": "cosmos-stafi-1",
      "lsdTokenName": "rATOM",
      "rpc": "",
      "restEndpoint": "",
      "denom": "uatom",
      "coinDenom": "ATOM",
      "decimals": 6,
      "bech32Config": {
        "bech32PrefixAccAddr": "cosmos",
        "bech32PrefixAccPub": "cosmospub",
        "bech32PrefixValAddr": "cosmosvaloper",
        "bech32PrefixValPub": "cosmosvaloperpub",
        "bech32PrefixConsAddr": "cosmosvalcons",
        "bech32PrefixConsPub": "cosmosvalconspub"
      "explorerUrl": "",
      "defaultApr": "28", // default apr of lsd token
      "stakeReserveAmount": 0.05, // amount of balance which will be reserved when staking
      "gasLimit": "80000",
      "isNativeKeplrChain": false,
      "stakeIbcChannel": "channel-11"
// config structures are identical in dev.json and prod.json
// dev.json will be used when you build with `yarn build:dev`
// prod.json will be used when you build with 'yarn build`
  "stakeManagerContract": "neutron1humx752uqvxn2jfenh5524md0ta23usm8m2lesaxw47fps28yx5syztnk5", // address of stake manager contract
  "poolAddress": "cosmos193sx2unjy8u8kyrg247k7evcanmcktk88shv934066wlhm7aqljsng9593", // address of pool contract
  "chains": {
    "neutron": {
      // chain config of neutron
      "chainName": "Neutron Testnet",
      "chainId": "pion-1",
      "rpc": "",
      "restEndpoint": "",
      "denom": "untrn",
      "coinDenom": "NTRN",
      "decimals": 6,
      "bech32Config": {
        "bech32PrefixAccAddr": "neutron",
        "bech32PrefixAccPub": "neutronpub",
        "bech32PrefixValAddr": "neutronvaloper",
        "bech32PrefixValPub": "neutronvaloperpub",
        "bech32PrefixConsAddr": "neutronvalcons",
        "bech32PrefixConsPub": "neutronvalconspub"
      "explorerUrl": "",
      "gasLimit": "80000",
      "isNativeKeplrChain": false
    "lsdTokenChain": {
      // chain config of lsd token
      "chainName": "Cosmos-Testnet",
      "chainId": "cosmos-stafi-1",
      "lsdTokenName": "rATOM",
      "rpc": "",
      "restEndpoint": "",
      "denom": "uatom",
      "coinDenom": "ATOM",
      "decimals": 6,
      "bech32Config": {
        "bech32PrefixAccAddr": "cosmos",
        "bech32PrefixAccPub": "cosmospub",
        "bech32PrefixValAddr": "cosmosvaloper",
        "bech32PrefixValPub": "cosmosvaloperpub",
        "bech32PrefixConsAddr": "cosmosvalcons",
        "bech32PrefixConsPub": "cosmosvalconspub"
      "explorerUrl": "",
      "defaultApr": "28", // default apr of lsd token
      "stakeReserveAmount": 0.05, // amount of balance which will be reserved when staking
      "gasLimit": "80000",
      "isNativeKeplrChain": false,
      "stakeIbcChannel": "channel-11"

Customize Theme

You can change color config in tailwind.config.js, each color has light & dark versions(i.e text1 & text1Dark).

Customize Theme
Customize Theme

Build and deploy

Run yarn build or yarn build:dev to build your app, the static files will be placed in out folder. Upload those files to any static web hosting services you like.