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How to deploy ETH LSD stack

This guide provides a step-by-step script to deploy the ETH LSD stack, without knowing details about contracts and services. Read the documentation for comprehensive understandings of these components.

Step1. Deploy your LSD network contracts

61 Lab have made Stack App for project parties to deploy their LSD network contracts.

Launchpad Homepage

In addition to Stack App, you can deploy contracts through explorer or source code: See this doc

Which relay type should I choose?

We provide two relay types, Standard and Custom. Standard is operated by StaFi Stack DAO and the other one by project party, but they do same work. It is a good start to use Standard to go through the whole process of creating your own LSD project. Then you are able to switch to custom relay anytime.


  • No Server Needed
  • Able to change to custom at anytime
  • Operated by StaFi Stack DAO


  • Server required
  • Both Execution & Beacon chain RPC required
  • At least run 3 relay instances
  • Maintained by your own

How to switch to custom relay service?

Switching to custom relay service is a big change to your LSD network. Here we list things you need prepare:

  1. Minimum 3 Voter Accounts
  2. Servers to run relay service
  3. Stable Execution & Beacon chain RPC
  4. Have the permission of the owner of the network

Send a transaction signed by your owner wallet to NetworkProposal.takeoverVoterManagement with new voter manager, new voters and threshold.

Next: Run Your relay services with voters you have set.

Which Token Type should I choose?

Standard LSD Token:

  • Provided by StaFi Stack
  • ERC-20 compatible
  • Ready to use

Several Procedures required before using Custom LSD Token:

  1. Implement your own LST logic which comply with [Stack's standards](TBD: definition of LSD Token Standards).
  2. Deploy your contract
  3. Request 61Lab for whitelisting your token for security reason

Parameter Tips

Owner Address: sets the owner of the LSD network being created.

Owner Permissions:

  • Upgrade contracts
  • Adjust commission fee
  • Adjust duration of era
  • Nominate voter manager
  • Adjust parameters

Voter Number:

  • How many voters you intend to set
  • Minimum number is 3, highly recommend to set more than 8
  • Each voter proposes new states of the network
  • The more voters you set the more decentralized advantages the network gets


  • The minimum number of votes required to approve a proposal
  • Recommended value is (voter number*2/3)
  • Minimum number is (voter number + 1)/2
  • Maximum number is voter number which is not recommended

Why LSD Token could not be changed?

As being the heart of the LSD network, LSD token must be stable, reliable and trustable. Users hold LSD Token as a receipt of staking so it could not be changed.

Rewards Distribution

Rewards distribution is crucial to project parties. Commission fee of users is set default as 10% and StaFi Stack fee is 10% of project income. for example, if 100ETH rewards received from Ethereum, the distribution will be:

StaFi Stack1ETH100ETH-90ETH-9ETH

Save all the information generated

The lsd network has a set of smart contracts, so you should save all the information which you will interact frequently with, such as ETH LSD App, Validator App and Relay service.

  • LSD Network Factory address
  • LSD Token address
  • Admin address
  • Fee Pool address
  • Network Balances address
  • Network Proposal address
  • Network Withdraw address
  • Node Deposit address
  • User Deposit address
  • Voters Address

Step2. Run relay service

Install Build Tools

Install makegcc and git

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y make gcc git build-essential
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y make gcc git build-essential

Install go by following the official docs. Remember to set your $PATH environment variable, for example:

cd $HOME
wget -O go1.22.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
rm -rf /usr/local/go && tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.22.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz && rm go1.22.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
echo 'export GOROOT=/usr/local/go' >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo 'export GOPATH=$HOME/go' >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo 'export GO111MODULE=on' >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin' >> $HOME/.bashrc && . $HOME/.bashrc
go version
cd $HOME
wget -O go1.22.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
rm -rf /usr/local/go && tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.22.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz && rm go1.22.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
echo 'export GOROOT=/usr/local/go' >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo 'export GOPATH=$HOME/go' >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo 'export GO111MODULE=on' >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin' >> $HOME/.bashrc && . $HOME/.bashrc
go version

Install relay service

$ git clone
$ cd eth-lsd-relay
$ make install
$ git clone
$ cd eth-lsd-relay
$ make install

Create relay working directory and config file

$ mkdir -p ~/eth-stack
$ cp conf.template.toml ~/eth-stack/config.toml
$ mkdir -p ~/eth-stack
$ cp conf.template.toml ~/eth-stack/config.toml

Config eth relay service

Update config (config.toml) by your favorite editor according to Relay Config

account = "0x68146ebA486CE6F8D22731c8ECB4d013F34E7114"
trustNodeDepositAmount     = 1  # ether
eth2EffectiveBalance       = 32 # ether
maxPartialWithdrawalAmount = 8  # ether
gasLimit = "3000000"
maxGasPrice = "600000000000"                            #wei
batchRequestBlocksNumber = 32
runForEntrustedLsdNetwork = false

pinDays = 180

lsdTokenAddress = "0x549aF761C1c72f3cd2Be966e76B778339Bf746DD"
lsdFactoryAddress = "0xe2CF966b041904eFfb8Fe83E317CAF4dd27d8CBc"

eth1 = ""
eth2 = ""

eth1 = ""
eth2 = ""
account = "0x68146ebA486CE6F8D22731c8ECB4d013F34E7114"
trustNodeDepositAmount     = 1  # ether
eth2EffectiveBalance       = 32 # ether
maxPartialWithdrawalAmount = 8  # ether
gasLimit = "3000000"
maxGasPrice = "600000000000"                            #wei
batchRequestBlocksNumber = 32
runForEntrustedLsdNetwork = false

pinDays = 180

lsdTokenAddress = "0x549aF761C1c72f3cd2Be966e76B778339Bf746DD"
lsdFactoryAddress = "0xe2CF966b041904eFfb8Fe83E317CAF4dd27d8CBc"

eth1 = ""
eth2 = ""

eth1 = ""
eth2 = ""

Import voter accounts

Let's import your 3 voter accounts so that it can be used by relay service

$ eth-lsd-relay import-account --base-path ~/eth-stack
Enter private key:
password for key:
key imported address=0x68146ebA486CE6F8D22731c8ECB4d013F34E7114
$ eth-lsd-relay import-account --base-path ~/eth-stack
Enter private key:
password for key:
key imported address=0x68146ebA486CE6F8D22731c8ECB4d013F34E7114

Start relay services

$ eth-lsd-relay start --base-path ~/eth-stack
Enter password for key ./keys/0x68146ebA486CE6F8D22731c8ECB4d013F34E7114.key:

INFO[2023-10-27T14:51:08+08:00] update balances epochs                        
INFO[2023-10-27T14:51:08+08:00] nodeCommission rate: 0.05, platformCommission rate: 0.05
INFO[2023-10-27T14:51:12+08:00] start services...
INFO[2023-10-27T14:51:12+08:00] start vote service
INFO[2023-10-27T14:51:12+08:00] start sync service
INFO[2023-10-27T14:52:43+08:00] synced block: 9935000
$ eth-lsd-relay start --base-path ~/eth-stack
Enter password for key ./keys/0x68146ebA486CE6F8D22731c8ECB4d013F34E7114.key:

INFO[2023-10-27T14:51:08+08:00] update balances epochs                        
INFO[2023-10-27T14:51:08+08:00] nodeCommission rate: 0.05, platformCommission rate: 0.05
INFO[2023-10-27T14:51:12+08:00] start services...
INFO[2023-10-27T14:51:12+08:00] start vote service
INFO[2023-10-27T14:51:12+08:00] start sync service
INFO[2023-10-27T14:52:43+08:00] synced block: 9935000

Step3. Deploy Your LSD app

Follow this the doc to deploy your own LSD app